Han-Chiang Ho
College:College of Business & Public Management
办公室 :CBPM B106
Originally from Taiwan, Prof. Han-Chiang Ho is a marketing researcher who came to the Wenzhou Kean University in September 2016 from SolBridge International School of Business, Korea, where he was an assistant professor in Marketing. He did his Ph.D. in Business Administration and Quantitative Methods at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Dr. Ho has published among others in Applied Economics, Journal of Product and Brand Management, and KEDI Journal of Educational Policy.
Teaching Courses
- MKT2500: Principles of Marketing
- MKT3510: Consumer Behavior
- MKT3560: Marketing Channels
- MKT4220: International Marketing
- MKT4230: Advertising Campaigns
- MKT4998: Senior Thesis
- MGS4999: Business Strategy
Research interests
Dr. Ho’s research concerns several categories: luxury brand marketing, the study of international marketing strategies, co-branding marketing strategies, and brand equity issues.
Selected Publications/scholarly and creative work
Chiu, C.L., Ho, H.C., Xie, Z., Wu, Q., & Yuan, Y. (2024). Culturally mixed co-branding product framing in China: the role of cultural sensitivity, product quality, and purchase probability. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(475), 1-14.
Chiu, C., & Ho, H.C. (2023). Impact of Celebrity, Micro-Celebrity, and Virtual Influencers on Chinese Gen Z’s Purchase Intention through Social Media. Sage Open, 13(1), 1-18.
Feng, J., and Ho, H.C. (2021) Exploring Young People’s Online Food Shopping Behavior during the COVID-19 Epidemic in China. Darici, B., Ayhan, F., and Chiu, C. (Eds.), New Normal and New Rules about International Trade, Economics and Marketing (pp.267-290). Peter Lang – Berlin.
Zhuang, J., and Ho, H.C. (2021) Influence of COVID-19 Outbreak on Changing Buying Behaviors: Chinese Consumer’s Growing Concerns over Food Safety. Darici, B., Ayhan, F., and Chiu, C. (Eds.), New Normal and New Rules about International Trade, Economics and Marketing (pp.291-308). Peter Lang – Berlin.
Ho, H.C., Chiu, C., Mansumitrchai, S., Yuan, Z., Zhao, N., & Zou, J. (2021). The influence of signals on donation crowdfunding campaign success during COVID-19 crisis. International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 7715. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18147715
Chiu, C., Ho, H.C., Yu, T., Liu, Y., & Mo., Y. (2021). Exploring Information Technology Success of Augmented Reality Retail Applications in Retail Food Chain, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61, 102561. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102561
Chiu, C., Chiu, J., Ho, H.C., & Zu, Z. (2020) American film industry challenges in China: Before and During COVID-19 Outbreak. Management Review: An International Journal, 15(2), 118-149.
Chiu, J., Chiu, C., Ho, H.C., & Mansumitrchai, S. (2020). Strategies and developments of Philippine telecommunications industry: revisiting the struggle, liberalization, and innovations. International Journal of Electronic Finance, 10(1/2), 43-66.
Ho, H.C., Chiu, C., Mansumitrchai, S., & Quarles, B. (2020). Hedonic and utilitarian value as a mediator of men’s intention to purchase cosmetics, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 11(1), 71-89.
Chiu, C., Wang, Q., Ho, H.C., Zhang, J., & Zhao, F. (2019). Metrosexual trend in facial care products: Analysis of factors that influence young Chinese men purchasing intention. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, DOI:10.1080/20932685.2019.1639527
Ho, H. C., & Awan, M. A. (2019), “The gender effect on consumer attitudes toward payment methods: The case of online Chinese customers”, Journal of Internet Commerce, 18(2), 141-169.
Ho, H. C., Chiu, L. C., Jiang, D., Shen, J.L., & Xu, H. (2019), “Influence of language of packaging labels on consumers’ buying preferences”, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 25(4), 435-461.
Ho, H. C., Chiu, L. C., Liu, S. P., & Lee, L. L. (2019), “Understanding the role of attitude components in Co-branding: A comparison of Spanish and Taiwanese consumers”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 3(31), 203-224.
Ho, H. C., & Lee, L. L. (2018), “The impacts of firms’ operational strategies on their innovation success”, Journal of Taipei City University of Science and Technology, 41, 95-112.
Ho, H. C., Quarles, B. J., Chiu, C. L., Liu, S. P., & Lee, L. L. (2018), “Does gender difference impact consumers’ attitudes toward high-tech luxury co-branded products? Journal of Business Administration, 118, 65-100.
Blazseka, S., Ho, H. C., & Liu, S. P. (2018), “Score-driven Markov-switching EGARCH models: An application to systematic risk analysis”, Applied Economics, 50(56), 6047-6060.
Blazseka, S., & Ho, H. C. (2017), “Markov regime-switching Beta-t-EGARCH”, Applied Economics, 49(47), 4793–4805.
Ho, H. C., Lado, N., & Rivera-Torres, P. (2017), “Detangling consumer attitudes to better explain co-branding success”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26(7), 704-721.
Awan, M. A., Khan, H. U., & Ho, H. C. (2017), “Possible effect of merger and acquisition on brand equity: A case study of IT industry”, International Journal of Business and Information, 12(1), 1-38.
Ho, H. C., Awan, M. A., & Khan, H. U. (2016), “Luxury brands and corporate responsibility: A perspective on consumers’ preferences”, Journal of International Management Studies, 16(1), 77-81.
Ho, H. C., Lee, L. L., & Agyei-Mensah, B. K. (2016), “Evaluating the effect of the adoption of English as the default language on a homepage for a university in a non-English speaking university”, KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, 13(1), 47-66.
Awan, M. A., Khan, H. U., & Ho, H. C. (2016), “Online banking: a comparative study of Chinese and Saudi customers perceptions of service quality”, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 21(s5), 1-31.
Awan, M. A., & Ho, H. C. (2014), “The effect of American translated brand Name cue on Brand Association in Korean Market”, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 5(4), 312-316.
Khan, H. U., Awan, M. A., & Ho, H. C. (2014), “How do Chinese and Saudi customers perceive online service quality”, The Journal of Business Inquiry, 13(2), 142-157.