Jing Ma
Position:Associate Professor of Management
Office:CBPM B221
Ph.D. in Technology Management, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2008
M.S. in Management Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2002
B.S. in Economics, Anhui Normal University, 1999
Prof. Jing Ma is interested in information management, innovation and e-commerce, focusing on analyzing and evaluating different information technologies and their impacts on group collaboration and innovation. Some of her latest research has been published in International Journal of Information Management, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, ACM Computing Surveys (cited by 892 papers), and many peer-reviewed conferences.
Selected Publications
Wang, Y., Wang,W., Zhang, Y. and Ma, J. (2019). Spillover of Workplace IT Satisfaction onto Job Satisfaction: The Roles of Job Fit and Professional Fit. International Journal of Information Management, SCI Impact Factor: 5.063.
Wang, N., Liang, H., Ge, S., Xue, Y., and Ma, J. (2019). Enablers and inhibitors of cloud computing assimilation: an empirical study. Internet Research. DOI: 10.1108/INTR-03-2018-0126. SCI Impact Factor: 4.109.
Wei, K., Li, Y., Zha, Y. and Ma, J. (2018). Trust, Risk and Transaction Intention in Consumer-to-Consumer E-Marketplaces: An Empirical Comparison between Buyer’ and Sellers’ perspectives, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119(2), 331-350. SCI Impact Factor: 3.727
Chen, X., Ma, J., Jin, J. and Fosh, P. (2013). Information Privacy and Affective Commitment in Chinese Organizations, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 16(1), 30-57. SCI Impact Factor: 0.923
Chen, X., Ma, J., Jin, J. and Fosh, P. (2013). Information privacy, gender differences, and intrinsic motivation in the workplace, International Journal of Information Management, 33(6), 917-926. SCI Impact Factor: 5.063.
Corter, J. E., Esche, S. K., Chassapis, C., Ma, J., and Nickerson, J. V. (2011). Process and learning outcomes from remotely-operated, simulated, and hands-on student laboratories, Computers & Education 57(3), 2054-2067. SCI Impact Factor: 5.627.
Zahner, D., Nickerson, J. V., Tversky, B., Corter, J. E., and Ma. J. (2010). A Fix for Fixation? Re-representing and abstracting as creative processes in the design of information systems, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 24(2), 231-244. SCIE Index . SJR: 0.351.
Corter, J. E., Nickerson, J. V., Esche, S. K., Chassapis, C., Im, S. and Ma, J. (2007). Constructing Reality: A study of remote, hands-on and simulated laboratories, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 14(2), Article No.7, 27 pages. SCI Impact Factor: 0.972.
Ma, J. and Nickerson, J. V. (2006). Hands-on, Simulated and Remote Laboratories: A Comparative Literature Review, ACM Computing Surveys 38(3), 1-24. SCI Impact Factor: 6.131.
Professional Experience
2010-2015, Academic Director at Oxford-SWUFE Women Entrepreneurship Program (Part of Goldman Sachs Global 10,000 Women Entrepreneurship Program), Chengdu, China
2001-2002, Business Analyst at Anhui Min Sheng Information & Engineering Co. Ltd, China
2009-2017, Associate Professor at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China